Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Who knew I'd fall in love with pincushions?

After Christmas I went antiquing. There is this one vendor who always has a sale going on and always has something that catches my eye. I visit this vendor every time I visit. I must have looked at these milk glass jars a million times but never thought they were anything special. They are old jars that face cream and lotion used to come in. I love milk glass and get excited at just the sight of it.

On my most recent trip, these milk glass jars called out to me. I had a vision of adding a velvet pincushion to them all. I wanted pink or light blue velvet but red was the best I could find. Over the past few nites I made them up and set them aside to dry.

I've been in a pin topper kick too. Found a whole bag of tiny doves for a DOLLAR! Rock On! SO I made up about a dozen or so of these dove pins and they look fabulous on these new pin cushions.

The only delimma is that they look unfinished. I've tried a few things to finish them up but none of those ideas look right. I'll spend another day or 2 at most to figure it out. Otherwise, they are going up on the shop as is.

Any ideas?

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