Getting Ready!

Originally uploaded by SewcialButterfly
Ok. Let me tell you that it is time consuming being a perfectionist. LOL I want this craft to be clean for the proposal.
It took me 4 hours to plan, measure, transfer, cut and Fray Check these pieces for 12 bracelets. i am going to make a whole batch and send the best ones in. I also needed pieces to send with the proposal. I added/substituted a step. Instead of putting the cardboard in the bracelet itself to prevent stabbing yourself, I will be using a smaller disc ( the round laminated card stock pieces in the picture) inside the cushion itself. On paper it works, we shall see tonight when I do a test run.
Tomorrow night I will sit and plan turtle's proposal. I only have 2 weeks so I really need to buckle down. More pics as the proposals develop!
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