Get organized!

Again I was at Wally World on a craft crusade. I needed more embroidery floss. I had my new project in hand trying to get the right shade and I started thinking about all the floss I have, how could I possibly not have any regular blue? I look up and see bight as day NEW. I look and I see the trusty DMC logo. It was a Stitch Bow Binder insert and next to it are the floss holders. What an ingenius way to store your floss and be able to pick the colors quickly and keep the number handy for when you run out.
If it is NEW or NEW & IMPROVED Chances are I will try it out. I highly recommend it. How to use them is shown above and your final result of how they appear is shown below. Nice and organized. No more digging through my box trying to find the right color or double buying a color I already have. :D

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