Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Making Turtle

Making Turtle
Originally uploaded by SewcialButterfly.
I decided I want to make more of the turtle pin cushions (and had a few requests too). The cutting and the planning and the tracing is the most time consuming part of it all. I didn't have enough time to sew any last night but figured I'd plan em out. So I cut enough supplies for 6 and saved the templates in case I need to make more. I love this blue floral print. It was a scarf my sister gave me from Old Navy. I have been waiting for a project to use it and the brown square interior fabric. And viola! The turtlr provided the perfect project.

I tried to est how much ea turtle ended up costing me to make and got so frustrated in trying to figure it out I just decided to slap a $7 price on it and call it a day. I hope to make more stockpiles of projects so that they will be ready to just sew and sell on my Etsy account. Wish me luck!


Blogger Funky Finds said...

I'm glad you've decided to sell these. They are adorable!

9/12/2006 4:02 PM  

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